Global Business Services

With around 500 million active food industry SMEs feeding 80% of the world’s population, at Blendhub we understood more than a decade ago the need for a standardized, replicable and service-based global delivery platform giving the possibility for any person or company to ideate, test, validate and launch food and nutrition to more people in more places. Thanks, Tony […]

Ultimate Sustainable Food

At Blendhub we believe that food powder is the ultimate sustainable food and nutritional products that are based on zero waste can be turned into any recipe for industry and final consumers anywhere in the world – faster, safer and cheaper on the world’s first network of localized food production hubs.  This post was originally published on […]

Any Food Can Be Powdered

If anyone has forgotten that any food can be powdered, take a look at Wen’s from Singapore and understand why this matters. At Blendhub we believe that the future of sustainable food is a combination of powder with locally grown fresh combined into individualized recipes which are good for you, satisfy your taste and are available at the right […]

Change in Paradigm

At Blendhub we believe that we are just in front of a complete change in paradigm on how we identify, select and consume recipes with corresponding food ingredients and get them delivered with a complete track and trace record, either through industry prepared ready-to-consume products or as an individualized pack to be prepared directly in your home. Do you want to be a part […]

Novel Startups Lead to Novel Recipe Development

During +100 years, it was the big food industry brands leading the launch of novel food and nutrition, building state-of-the-art factories and promoting and delivering the final products to consumers. Today it is great to see how online consumer interactions with novel startups alternative supply chains and sustainable food trends are setting the agenda for novel recipe development with corresponding food ingredients making […]

Offering our experience to food startups. From incubation to product launch

food startups

As 80% of global food supply is produced by SMEs, I believe that food industry value propositions must be about creating value together. We can only make a true impact by collaboration. I call it “1+1>2”. Following this path, five years ago we started allfoodexperts and, less than a year ago, we launched the #CloudBlending collaboration model.  […]

Less waste and costs to feed more, better. CloudBlending in Mexico.

In 2050 the food system will have to sustain more than 9 billion people. And although many are those which require solutions aimed at the increase of production, we have to consider that today we already waste 1/3 of the food that we produce. There are also problems of food safety in an opaque model that does not allow the creation of shared values or […]