Networking and Open Innovation Platforms
In addition to enabling communities working on line to solve challenges, Open Innovation platforms are also a networking place where you can find experts in different areas. In the video below, Deanna Zandt, media consultant, talks about the importance of networking to solve challenges and empower people. Zandt is the author of Share This!: How […]
A practical approach to Open Innovation
I found the article that I have linked to here particularly interesting, considering how much Open Innovation is talked about and how little it is successfully practiced. The text, written by Frank Mattes, emphasizes when finding that it is difficult to give examples of companies with a practical approach to Open Innovation. The 60% of […]
Creating Open Innovation. Creating Shared Value
Michael E. Porter works on Competitive Strategics. In the video from the World Economic Forum I publish at the end of the post, he explains his Creating Shared Value Model. The concept may not be suitable for all types of companies. But it has approximation points with Open Innovation that I find interesting. Michael Porters […]
Innovation comes with collaboration
Innovation comes in pairs. It isn’t about genius or eureka moments, it is about collaboration and good partnerships. This is the main idea of this article written by Rich Karlgaard and published by Forbes under the title of “Change Agents: It Takes Two”. It is also the subject of this fragment of a conversation between […]
“One idea, one toy”, creativity workshop in India
Blendhub´s Corporate Social Responsibility program enabled children´s wishes to come true as toys last Christmas “One idea, one toy” is a project sponsored by Blendhub and carried out by the artist Ángel Haro. Its objective has been focused on awakening these children´s creativity by showing them the different possibilities offered by the environment. And […]
The benefits of Open Innovation for the Pharma Industry
The model of Open Innovation is hugely beneficial in Pharma industry. Many of the reasons for this are highlighted in this article, written by Roy F. Waldron, a pharmaceutical executive. Let’s consider the benefits of Open Innovation in Pharma. Think on two companies scrambling to be the first to get a new drug to the […]
Innovation from outsiders
We often talk about Open Innovation as something theoretical, so I invite you to read this report by Erin Millar, from The Globe and Mail, which I link here. It has a very revealing title: “How outsiders solve problems that stum experts”. It speaks of ordinary citizens who were able to innovate without being experts. […]
Finland and collaborative models
I found an interesting article titled: “Finland is about to start using crowdsourcing to create new laws”. It talks about the use of technology in collaborative models for a more direct democratic approach. Finland relies on technology to develop a new political collaborative model able to respond to the challenges of a new model of […]
Open Innovation for a better work
This Ted Talk by Jason Fried, author of Rework and co-founder of 37 sinalgs, starts with a question that I’m sure everyone has asked themselves at some moment: Why people don’t really work at the office? Why the best place to work for some is home, planes, trains, an empty room… which is to say […]
Three ideas for the future of work
In this video Lynda Gratton, authors of The Shift, explains how can we face our future at work. She considers that future is already here, that it is full of paradoxes or contradictions and that we have to change our way of thinking to include three ideas: hypersperspecialization, collaboration and creativity. All related with Open […]