New models of relationships. Open Innovation ecosystems
This article discusses interesting points in the linked video in which the professor of ESADE Esteve Almirall talks about the Open Cities and also about Open Innovation Ecosystems. He provides a good summary of the evolution of the Open Innovation model throughout last ten years. According to Almirall, Open Innovation has evolved since relations between […]
Connecting talent. Open Innovation in a Knowledge Flow Context
When talking about innovation, one of the challenges for companies is to pick up and connect the talent, ideas and knowledge. They are flowing everywhere. John Hagel, co-author of The Power of Pull: How Small Moves, Smartly Made, Can Set Big Things in Motion, discusses in the video below about it. Companies must actively look […]
Technology Scouting in Open Innovation Strategies
Technology Scouting is an element that can bring much value within the Open Innovation strategy. Identify future trends and technologies outside a company can help it find new partners. Also, it will bring inputs to current projects and help to develop new products and services. In addition, Technology Scouting, within collaborative projects, can open the […]
Fostering Open Innovation inside companies
From the point of view of companies, successful implementation of Open Innovation requires balancing many aspects such as the internal resistance and the objectives to be achieved. In a previous post I talked about facilitators, but Open Innovation also requires a change in the companies’ organizational culture towards a more decentralized approach; a supportive business […]
Three Open Innovation experiences
When talking about Open Innovation, companies with specific programs and different practitioners normally focus on issues such as: Fastest return on investment Risks Minimization New talent and attracting ideas Searching of collaborative programs, especially in areas where a company has less experience Design new products, services, experiences Sharing value and vision with customers Facing global […]
Open Innovation to fix broken innovation programs
In the article I have linked here, Rita Gunther McGrath, author of The End of Competitive Advantage and professor at Columbia Business School, lists six signs to detect a broken innovation program. The Open Innovation model can be a good alternative to correct some of them. Signs of a broken innovation program Episodic innovation: Innovation […]
Breaking the cycle of Not possible
The professor of MIT Sloan School of Management Peter Senge has defined interesting concepts related to innovation processes. His “Breaking the Cycle of Fatalism” and “Tacking Complex Issues” proposals can be addressed through Open Innovation. Senge argues that we are living in an era of fatalism. A lot of challenges need to be faced and it exists a deeply […]
Open Innovation facilitators inside companies
I found this interesting publication on Open Innovation, written by Michael Flynn. Flynn is director of Technology and Innovation Platform Organization at SAP Labs and the title of his work is “A Framework for Open Innovation”. The article includes some guidelines to accelerate innovation through Open Innovation. One of the interesting aspects it refers to […]
Open Innovation: culture, resources and environment
In the TEDx talk video below you have Tina Seelig, Professor of the Practice in the Department of Management Science and Engineering of the Stanford School of Engineering, talking about creativity and innovation to answer the question: “Where do the ideas come from?”. She lists six elements that she considers essential to unlocke creativity in […]
Transforming processes through Open Innovation
Frank Barrett is the author of Yes to the Mess: Surprising Leadership Lessons from Jazz (Harvard Business Press, 2012). In the video below he summarizes some of the ideas from the book. For instance, what leaders can learn from jazz. There are some connections between his idea of disrupting routine and how open innovation helps […]