The Challenge Of Sustainability
I recently attended the seminar “The Governance of The Leader Enterprises That Endure” in which top management members of the food industry had the opportunity to chat with Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Nestlé, on various issues relating to leadership (here, a previous post on the alignment of values for innovation). […]
Innovation that matters
Much of the value of innovation is the ability to solve significant challenges for society. In recent years, a large part of disruptive innovation has occurred in the digital environment, however, some of the biggest challenges to be resolved still belonged to the environment of traditional industries, such as food. How to feed 9 billion […]
Alignment of values for innovation
A constant in the leading companies in innovation is the commitment in this area for all members of the organization and the ability to create a true culture of innovation. The values alignment is essential to this. Recently, I had the opportunity to attend a seminar in San Telmo International Institute where Peter Brabeck- Letmathe, […]
Social Responsibilities of Businesses
In addition to the commitment to constant innovation, the responsibility to give back to society what they have provided to the business is another value that should be in the list of challenges companies must assume. The growth based in the principles of ethics, the corporate responsibility and the creation of long-term value has been […]
A True Challenge To The Status Quo
“We have got to think differently”, says Oakland Athletics general manager, played by Brad Pitt, to the scouts of the team in the movie MoneyBall (2011). I saw the movie recently and I found it utterly inspiring when when touching on the topic of innovation and challenging the status quo, especially considering that it was based […]
Innovation coming at the edges
It is increasingly common that innovation occurs at the edges or from the bottom to top, and not only in the heart of major companies or important R&D Centers. The lowering of the high technology and the emergence of new forms of organization of collective talent made it possible. The result are start-ups, but also […]
Start With Open Innovation
Over the last years, a series of events have favored a drift toward more open innovation approaches in many companies. That is what we did in Blendhub. There were facts impacting favorably in open innovation such us the growth of patents and knowledge; its globalization; the needs generated by the shorter of life cycles of […]
Disrupting industries through OI
In this TEDx Talk titled “How Disruptors Are Designing For The Future”, Tom Hulme, Design Director at IDEO, lists some of the changes which allow a glimpse into the future and also how new products and services must be designed to get an industry disrupted. He focuses on three concepts which are related to open […]
Critical Internal Obstacles to OI
The redefinition of corporate culture to implement a mindset of open innovation (OI) can be a difficult process for a company especially because of the change of values and the so-called “Not invented here” syndrome. In “A Framework for Open Innovation”, Michael Flynn, director of Technology and Innovation Platform Organization at SAP Labs, make some […]
OI: A Growth-Oriented Process That Works!
After reading the blog post by Ralph-Christian Ohr titled “Innovation and Growth”, I have been taking a look at the survey he refers in it and I have found some interesting data about open innovation as a process that makes faster growth possible. For instance that top innovators treat innovation just like any other business […]