In addition to the commitment to constant innovation, the responsibility to give back to society what they have provided to the business is another value that should be in the list of challenges companies must assume. The growth based in the principles of ethics, the corporate responsibility and the creation of long-term value has been one of my concerns since the birth of Premium Ingredients and Blendhub, and now with Premium Blendhub. Last year, we published a Corporate Social Responsibility Memory and contributed together with other companies to a CSR project in Murcia, Spain. Precisely, we participate in the CSR night this week, as part of that action.
Our commitment to CSR is to open the door to transparency, mutual trust and communication with our stakeholders, as we do in business. Our goal is continuous improvement of listening to their desires and opinions, to better address their needs and the needs of our immediate environment, such as job creation, reduction and compensation of environmental impacts, equality, diversity and continuing education of our employees and community.
Continuous work in this area has given us success in fields such as flexibility and communication with our clients, trust towards the company, benefits for our employees and contributions to welfare and minimizations of our companies’ environmental negative impacts. Apart from our internal process, these examples are some of the activities we support, along with athletics and the arts.
Promoting athleticism among young people is very imporant since it helps them to keep a healthy and balanced life. That’s why since March 2011, we have been collaborating with the Hockey Federation of Murcia Region. Similarly, creativity is also essential in any society, and part of the innovation process and business activity. In October, 2011, we commissioned the Spanish artist Angel Haro in the work “Timeline”, currently located at our headquarters. The work represents the development process of Premium Ingredients from 1997 to date.
Evidence of our commitment to promoting creativity and innovation is the project “An idea, a toy”, an action conducted also by Ángel Haro in Dhandhuka Jesuit mission in Gujarat where 80 children, between ages 8 and 12, enjoyed a week of classes given by the artist. This creativity workshop was to show the children how to use recycled material found in the streets to fabricate their own toys . The result materialized fifty toys based on different themes and manufactured by the very children. The results were amazing!
One of our last projects was a collaboration with local NGOs for the employment of people at risk of social exclusion and the grant of the Christmas Dinner for 300 people held in their social dining. Our workers were also involved in the project by collecting footwear, clothing, toys, hygiene products and foods for the NGO’s.
Premium Ingredients es Solidaridad – Premium Ingredients is Solidarity from Premium Blendhub on Vimeo.