Open Collaboration to Product Innovation
Open collaboration can lead to successful product innovations especially in the case of SMEs when companies are able to share knowledge and create value together in an open way. But as a mindset, open innovation can be defined in many ways and in fact, companies must find their own. The ability to meet right partners, […]
Environment of Trust for Open Innovation
It is still common to find companies that feel reluctant about sharing their technological advances. However, the world is experiencing a major change that affects all systems. The changes occurring are so fast that to be competitive you need to collaborate, share knowledge, and new perspectives and solutions. One of the key issues when implementing […]
Innovation: Perseverance and Expertise
I recently had opportunity to read the story of Suja Juice in Forbes. I think it is a good example of how perseverance can take the simplest products to become a commercial success. Regarding innovation, perseverance is equally valid. The story of Suja, which also combines the passion of a young team and the mentorship […]
Collaboration in a Disruptive Age
Geoffrey Moore has just released the third edition of his classic book Crossing the Chasm. For this reason, he has published two interesting posts on Linkedin. In the first, “Crossing the Chasm: What’s New, What’s Not” he focuses on some of the changes in relation to the Technology Adoption Life Cycle and the approach to […]
Innovative businesses are social
Social Business is a term used to refer to cause-driven businesses able to generate social impact. Additionally, It is also referred to those businesses that adopt a social model, namely social media tools and social networking behavioral standards. Both meanings are equally interesting in terms of innovation and open innovation, since both involve interesting choices […]
Sustainability for Innovation
Sustainability can be an interesting enabler of innovation; creating interesting challenges and demands for companies to meet. Many of the greatest disruptive innovations, capable of generating a real impact on the world, start by addressing huge challenges. There are a lot of examples of start-ups that are disrupting the world in this way, assuming immense […]
Leadership for Open Innovation
The Not- Invented- Here (NIH) syndrome is one of the barriers to open innovation within companies that are referenced more often. It is defined as a corporate mindset or culture that favors internally developed products over external insights, representing the waste of interesting external opportunities. Typically, this resistance has to do with the search for […]
The Top Ten Most-read Articles of 2013
Just over a year ago, I started writing this blog based largely on stories related to open innovation. I would like to thank all of you for your interest. These are the most read blog posts in 2013. 1. Open Innovation In Emerging Markets 2. Creating OI. Creating Shared Value 3. Retar el talento para innovar 4. Our Experience […]
The “Why” of Innovative Companies
Within the food industry, the yogurt company Chobani is a truly inspiring case in terms of innovation and the enterprise culture. Its innovative approach has enabled them to connect with consumers and transform the yogurt category in the US market, forcing industry leaders to respond to the challenge of its Greek yogurt. One of the […]
Pushing The Limits Daily
Passion and love for what you do are the key elements of innovation. You need to know what would be capable of impassioning you to see where and how you can generate a greater impact, hence overcoming your own limits every day. This behavioral trait appears in many great leaders and innovators who pursue what […]