Opportunistic Recipe Design

Henrik Stamm Kristensen

The article, Biology is Eating the World, excellently shows how actual food and nutritional products based on opportunistic recipe design with pre-defined ingredients. Just because a specific company has an economic interest in these and then offered to end consumers for giving “pleasure” at the right price is completely obsolete. At Blendhub, we have over the last decade invested in recipe ideation, production and delivery platform for people and companies who want to reinvent and localize the food system based on “feel-good” and for consumers setting their own individual menu. Let’s change the world for better, together.

This post was originally published on Henrik Stamn Kristensen’s LinkedIn profile. Follow Henrik to be the first to hear from him. 


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As part of Siemens’ goal to unveil how their technological innovations are reshaping the consumer, retail, and food and beverage industries, we were invited to present our model of multi-localized portable plants, supported by their technology, to produce closer to raw materials and final consumers. Our visionary business model, supported by Siemens’ cutting-edge technology, is helping companies from all around the world to accelerate innovation and access new markets.


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