Gulfood: new opportunities in the food industry in Middle East


Middle East is an expanding market, strategically located, and with a fast-growing population, which is generating huge growth opportunities for international food and beverage companies and investors. And it has always been one of Blendhub’s target regions. 

New consumption trends are on the rise in the region, in a context of increasing consumer concern for health and the environment, such as alternative proteins, dairy alternatives and plant-based food products.

Thus, once again this year, and despite the difficulties caused by the pandemic, our Middle East sales team will be at Gulfood, the largest annual food and beverage trade exhibition in the region, a must-attend meeting point for all those who want to be updated on production and consumption trends and prepared for the upcoming challenges in the food industry.

With the desire to discuss with our customers, partners and friends in Middle East about our competitive and innovative solutions, our sales team will bring to Dubai Blendhub’s portfolio with the newest solutions in plant-based products, dairy and powder innovative mixes.

At Blendhub we keep innovating to provide our clients with the best solutions to capture opportunities in the food industry in Middle East. Through our Food-as-a-Service concept, we can help any food company adapt their product portfolio to new consumer trends and launch new products in less than 90 days.

Our service model goes way beyond recipes and production. Through our global network of multi-localized production hubs on 4 continents, we offer our services from ideation to final product launch worldwide, in a simple pay-per-use model with no need for CAPEX investments in own infrastructure.

Our team in Gulfood will be delighted to plan an appointment with you and exchange ideas to continue adding value to the food value chain.


Contact for more info.

Begoña Amat Arocas 

Sales Manager – Middle East

Sadiyah Palekar

BD & Technical Support Manager
Technical / Middle East

Pedro Belmonte Pérez

Business Development Manager
Control Tower / Factory Operations


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