In this video Carl Bass, chief executive officer of Autodesk, lists five trends that are accelerating innovation. One of them is the change in business models happening because of Open innovation. He concludes that there has never been a better time to innovate. I also found this idea from a different perspective in an article by Scott Anthony.
He points out that we are in a never ending cycle in which there are individuals constantly breaking the rules to innovate and are at the same time creating new rules.
According to Bass, innovation is hard because it requires challenges, taking chances and risks, and breaking the rules. This is why it more likely involves individuals rather than large companies. Nonetheless, innovation is needed to solve global challenges for humanity and it is accelerating because of:
1. We are in the age of access and experiences. Different access to some products like music, cinema or books is more important than possession.
2. We are doing business differently. Open Innovation and Crowdfunding are helping to solve challenges faster.
3. Digital fabrication. It is changing the basic rule of the industrial revolution: to have large quality and low prices by manufacturing huge quantities of things. Also, 3D printing is changing the location of production because it makes it possible to produce things anywhere and everywhere.
4. The rise of information and the rise of communities sharing online.
5. Infinite computing. Computing is one of the most powerful tools ever. It is helping to solve a lot of big challenges.